
HGUC ACGUY---incompleted---

I had bought the HGUC ACGUY for about two weeks ago...

and just complete making the surface become dull...(by sandpapers...)

until now...just completed painting the blue color parts...

*I plan to color with Spiderman's color...><

the above is what I did last night...
*tonight can't paint because grandma gonna sleep at house today...
and try not to "polute" the air...(mom's order...)

look at above~
it is the hand part of ACGUY~

the left one is the original...without any workings on it~
the line is there...

and the right one is the one after working on it...
I use sandpaper to make the line become none...

(once part make me about 5 to 10 minutes...
and burnt my fingers ,too...because the temperature...^^")


the exhibition is on this SUNDAY...

still one whole day to work on it...

hope I can get on time~^^"

